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Monday, July 2, 2007

Day Two.

Day two.
We went back the next morning and were happy to see that our work from the night before was still there, intact. We got to work, after we got some more chalk and did less names, but, still progress.

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That day, it poured, which was really discouraging.

Chalk, for this project, is very symbolic and relevant. Everything is temporary, and in the case of those who knew these fallen soldiers, what you have one day may not be there the next.

The next day, between work, and traveling, I couldn't get back down there, so, we took a break.
We needed to regroup and maybe come up with a plan of attack for dealing with the rain, or something like that.
We came up with not staying in the wide open park for a while, and getting close to buildings which might block out some of the rain. Darn rainy season.

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