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Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

First and foremost, a BIG thanks to Nancy.
Over the past two days she's been there, her and her peace pup, to help me out, which is great.
Maybe the rest of you can get down there sometime? Just kdding, any sort of support is great.

I don't have any pictures becuause, I just have been forgetting my camera, but, what we've been back to is great.
Yesterday's work was washed away when I got out of work this afternoon.
But wait- It didn't rain!

Before work, I saw the chalk there, during my lunch break, I saw the chalk there, but, during my sister's break, she saw them washing it away.
And so did the people in Starbucks.

So, tonight, we finished up the names and went back to the part where they washed it away, and wrote them a note.
"YOU may say I'm a DREAMER.. ..but I'm not the only one. -JOHN LENNON [AND THE REST OF US!] And I drew a picture of John.

(I'll write a letter or two to see what happened.. .. And of course I'll keep you posted.)

Maybe, if you can beat the CITY street cleaners out tomorrow, you can catch a glimps of that.
And, the people at the Morgan House were great, as well. Very supportive.

Thanks to everyone,

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