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Friday, August 3, 2007


I just got home from our interview with ABC-7, who is going to run the story tonight at 11:00.

Once the light was on, I was miked, and the camera was rolling, they told me we have a victory on our hands.

The interim City Manager said to Stephanie that he's been trying to get a hold of me all week, and that he has the power to grant a permit, and that he will do so!

This is so great!

I think it's a victory, and I can't wait to have it physically in my hands.. then I know it's real, and that our 'hiatus' is over.

Is the permit even a physical document?

Alright, watch the news.. and we'll see what's up.

Every reporter I talk to knows more than I do.. jeeze!
Thanks for all of the coverage, though.

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